Ontem foi um dia meio parvo, mas como todos os dias meio parvos, acaba por servir para alguma coisa. Estive no atelier e era suposto fazer uma das muitas coisas que tenho numa lista de trabalhos em espera chamada "Vem aqui buscar trabalho malandra!".
Mas faltou-me qualquer coisa que tinha deixado em casa (que típico) de modo que tentei usar o meu tempo de forma útil organizando e guardando desenhos soltos em sacos de plástico XXL e depois tirando diversas duvidas avulsas na net.
Numa destas pesquisas sobre cartões de visita na moo, tropecei no trabalho do Marc Johns.
E nessa altura pensei "encontrei a minha alma gémea artística!"
Esta criatura é um ilustrador canadiano que faz pequenos desenhos simples (deliciosos!) com frases simples (geniais!) e que tem o bom senso de vender pela internet tanto cópias assinadas como os originais.
Yesterday was a silly day, but sometimes these are the ones that bring something new to us. I was at the atelier, trying to be productive and cross one of my "to draw list" items when I realized I had left something important at home (how tipical). And so I tried to use my time organizing spare drawings in XXL plastic bags and checking important stuff on the internet.
I stumbled in Marc Johns work as I was looking for minicards at moo.
He is a canadian illustrator that makes this little simple (delicious!) drawing with simple (genious!) sentences and who has the good sense of selling either copies and originals of his work.
Mas aquilo que me fez babar é o que podem ver acima e ler neste post do seu site (clicar aqui).
É que ele faz os seus próprios sketchbooks!!! E isto veio a calhar, porque eu estou em plena crise com os meus Moleskines e desde que esbarrei com o livro "How to Make Books" em casa da minha amiga Cláudia, que não descansei enquanto não o comprei e estou doida para começar a fazer livrinhos de artista!
But what cought my eye is what you can see above and read here (click here).
He makes his own sketchbooks!!! And it was so amazing to see this now, because I'm in a huge crisis with my Moleskines and ever since I stumbled in the book "How to Make Books" that I was eager to start doing some artist books!
Aquilo que me inspirou nos bloquinhos do Marc é que como ele tão bem explica, precisa de ter um caderninho sem compromisso, barato onde possa anotar qualquer ideia estapafúrdia que lhe venha à cabeça. Precisa também que esse caderninho seja suficientemente pequeno para caber no bolso de trás das calças... Mas ao mesmo tempo, de vez em quando faz-lhes capas engraçadas!
Ou seja é um objecto útil, criativo e extremamente pessoal ao mesmo tempo.
E era precisamente por aqui que eu queria ir!
Por isso quando li o seu post em pleno atelier, procurei folhas soltas, encontrei umas folhas grossinhas tipo aguarela de cor ligeiramente salmão, dobrei-as cortei-as e fiz o pequeno livrinho que podem ver acima. Ainda nem o cosi! A etiqueta desenhada estava melhor antes de eu ter estragado tudo com lápis de cor branco... mas um primogénito é um primogénito...
What I loved the most is that he is as much intimidadet by new fancy sketchbooks as I am! He says: "A nice, brand new leatherbound (not cheap!) notebook is intimidating for me. I'd want every sketch to be lovely and perfect. I'd want only my best ideas to grace its pages (...) I need to make loads of mistakes. I need to go to the edges of what makes sense. I need to fly without a net. I need to be quick and messy and just get the ideas (and mostly nonsensical things) down as they come to me, and worry about composition and details later"
And I just loved his funny covers!
It's a useful, creative and extremely personal object - exactly what I was aiming!
So as I read this, I jumped off my chair and looked for paper, found this watercolor paper with a light salmon color, cutted, folded and made this little sketchbook that you can see above. It's not even been sewed yet! The cover was looking better before I ruined it with white colored pencil... but a firstborn is a firstborn...
What I loved the most is that he is as much intimidadet by new fancy sketchbooks as I am! He says: "A nice, brand new leatherbound (not cheap!) notebook is intimidating for me. I'd want every sketch to be lovely and perfect. I'd want only my best ideas to grace its pages (...) I need to make loads of mistakes. I need to go to the edges of what makes sense. I need to fly without a net. I need to be quick and messy and just get the ideas (and mostly nonsensical things) down as they come to me, and worry about composition and details later"
And I just loved his funny covers!
It's a useful, creative and extremely personal object - exactly what I was aiming!
So as I read this, I jumped off my chair and looked for paper, found this watercolor paper with a light salmon color, cutted, folded and made this little sketchbook that you can see above. It's not even been sewed yet! The cover was looking better before I ruined it with white colored pencil... but a firstborn is a firstborn...
Nessa mesma noite tive umas ideias e escrevinhei uns desenhos no meu bloquinho :)
That same night I had some ideas that were imediatly sketched in my new sketchbook :)
That same night I had some ideas that were imediatly sketched in my new sketchbook :)
2 comentários:
A encadernação é uma actividade fascinante ... e viciante!
Já não sei muito bem como vim aqui parar... mas ainda bem! Adorei os seus desenhos (e os do Marc Johns também)!
A Ferreira
Obrigada :) Gostei de visitar o teu cantinho!
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